Colours and branding. Here’s everything you need to know.

Does your colour scheme reflect your existing brand persona and aesthetic? Did you carefully choose your colour pallet to appeal directly to your audience? Do the colours you have chosen work together to tell a story and create a consistent theme? If you’ve answered no to any of these questions then you should probably keep reading. 

Colour is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to tell a story, evoke a response, initiate a conversation, and even influence a mood. Colour is one of the most important tools in branding because it is often one of the first things that a consumer notices about a brand.  

Here are three things you should keep in mind when choosing which colours should be associated with your brand:  

Target Market: 

Do the colours you have chosen align with your desired consumer or existing audience? When choosing a colour scheme or designing your social feed, it is important to do so with your target market in mind. Keeping your target market in mind when you’re making decisions about your brand will ensure that your online persona, aesthetic, and brand is resonating with your audience. 


Do the colours you have chosen serve as an adequate representation of your brand? When choosing a colour scheme, it is important to choose colours that are relevant to your industry. Identify your niche and choose your colours accordingly.


Is your colour pallet consistent? When choosing which colours you want to use to reflect your brand it is important that they are consistent with the brand persona that you have already identified. Not only is it important for your aesthetic to align with your existing persona, but it also important to choose colours that will work together cohesively in your feed. Choosing colours that complement each other will help you curate an aesthetically pleasing feed that will appeal to your audience. 

Are you having difficulty choosing colours that work for your brand? Contact us today to identify which colours speak to your desired consumer or existing audience.


Learn how to design your feed today.